Tuesday, June 22, 2010
p/s: pesanan untuk diri saya sendiri untuk next sem jgan nak ambik tahu sgt hal owg and jaga la diri sendiri ok!!!!!!jgan cepat mengentan,tingkatkan prestasi kurangkan kontrovesi (>,<)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My buddy
ni la cite nye
ni sinopsis dia
My Buddy
Zeng You Quan (Christopher Lee) is hardworking man making an honest living as supervisor in an air-conditioning company. He took over as the familyŒs sole breadwinner after his mother passed away and his father went missing. He has a 35 year-old single sister, Zhi Ling (Wang Hui Shan), whom he is trying to marry off, and a fresh graduate younger sister, Zhi Mei (Koh Ya Hwee), who cannot seem to hold on to a job for long. You QuanŒs childhood friend, Chen Ying Bang (Zheng Ge Ping), is a complete opposite of him. A married man but still womanizing, Ying Pang is always looking for easy money. Because he took a blow for You Quan when they were young, the latter feels indebted and is always clearing Ying BangŒs mess. Things take a furn for the worse when You Quan 's step-mother suddenly appears to claim half of his apartment; he discovers Zhi Ling 's secret rendezvous with Ying Bang; and his boss cum dream lover fires after ying bang made him a scapegoat for selling company information.
p/s sok ak ada test MD chapter 9,10,11 ish susah betul ambik shortcos ni menyusahkan tull....haizzz
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
katare kid a.k.a karate kid
(ni la budak tu dre namanye)
Monday, June 14, 2010
sahabat adalah kasih sayang yang lebih dari keluarga tetapi kurang dari kekasih
p/s salah bagi seorang perempuan untuk mengharapkan lelaki untuk menciptakan dunia nye tetapi tidak dia yang menciptakan nyer sendiri
Saturday, June 12, 2010
ak da bole KAN
p/s: korg pernah rasa cam 2 gak x???
Friday, June 4, 2010
list thing that i want in tis moment
2) hope all my friends and people around me dont simply judge me be4 known me better
sumtime pasal mulut ak ktorg gaduh and timbul salah faham but to those who know me better
akn paham ngan perangai ak ni huhuhuu
3)hope i can still lepak wit my yayang and still keep in touch forever
4) ak nak semua owg maaf kan ak then eveything back to normal
5) hope can find mate like yun kaiwang
6) enjoy my life selagi boleh ;0
7) hope dapat fullfill my wish nak g holiday ngan ibu
8) dapat tempat practical yang ok
9) dapat graduate ngan pointer yang cantik
10) dapat ape yang ak nak on my birhday huhuuhuh
p/s for tis time tu jer yang ak nak nnt kl ak ada terfikir ape2 ak add lagi ea huhuhuh